December 3, 2024
Dearest One,
We are delighted you are here with us today. We are overjoyed to be together again. Everything as you see it is an illusion. As you view upon your surroundings, know that it is through a skewed lens.
Understand that all perspectives and points of views are created through a viewpoint of someone else’s teachings and perspectives and points of view. Nothing you see has been created and seen through the purity of God. Everything that you observe that you see with your eyes, is through a viewpoint of someone else’s perspective.
As you are on this journey, your thoughts began as someone else’s thoughts, as you grew up in this world of yours, you have been learning from others. Your parental figures, society, friends, and peers, etc. Moving past, the initial reactions and responses that you experience is what we request of you at this time. To push back and through to what is really in front of you. To see beyond your initial reactions and responses. To notice what is really in front there.
Take a moment to become fully present within yourself and to challenge the thoughts that easily come to you to see beyond what is there, to allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in the beauty that surrounds you. Pushing back all others viewpoints and opinions about what things are or should look like. Create a world within your vision of Your creating, not anyone else’s.
Take a step into the direction of who you really are. The aspect of yourself that only see’s love, beauty and hope. Move into a space of inspiration, light and tranquility. You are beautiful beings indeed. And we ask for you to step out of others opinions and create your own. You are powerful beyond measure and choosing to set yourself apart and create You is a part of Being God. Be the Light. Be the Love. We are inspired by your inner essence which is the uniquely radiant You.
We Are One, Jesus