Elevate your consciousness and reconnect to the Love within by connecting to the words and energy shared to you by Jesus.

We hope you enjoy the messages below as they were created with you in mind ♥️

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us in this way. We revel in the way you choose to make growth a priority in your life. This journey can be complex, and connecting to the part within yourself that aspires to grow and evolve is a part of this process.

As you reflect on the choices you've made in life, it's important to step back and view them from a broader perspective, allowing yourself to truly 'see' the story you've been creating. Becoming the observer helps detach from personal bias and perception.

Every moment you are creating, whether your feelings are positive or negative. Therefore, it's helpful to stay aware of your thoughts and cultivate a sense of non-attachment, especially when those thoughts no longer serve you.

We are here to support you as you navigate this beautiful journey with open eyes and open hearts. While growth can sometimes feel uncomfortable, if you choose to view these challenges as opportunities for evolution, the tension will ease considerably. Focus on the positive lessons, and this will aid in the gradual transformation you're seeking.

We are with you Always.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. Co-creating together is the greatest way to start your day. As you explore your desires, in this moment, what stands out to you the most?

Is it the achievement of the desire or the feeling within the experience of attainment within the desire?

Reaching for and connecting and savoring the feeling of the achievement of the desire is the goal here in the attainment of the desire.

As you align with the feelings of the love you feel within you, also think of the desire and living the experience in your Now.

Relish the feeling of love as it will bring you closer to All of your desires.

We embody the love and gladly unite with you in all that you desire.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us in this beautiful experience of collaboration. We deeply value the opportunity to collaborate with all of you. We invite you to consider including us in every creation and every experience you embark on.

Co-creating together allows us to be a part of every moment, sharing in the journey and enhancing your experience. We long to be with you, sharing in your joy and helping you embrace the beauty of everything you're involved in.

Joy and bliss are essential aspects of your path, and when these emotions are absent, there is always another choice available.

Are you choosing joy and bliss, or are you letting worry and stress take over? There are countless opportunities within you that can be easily sidetracked by the surrounding energy. Take a moment, pause, breathe, and reflect on whether you're experiencing joy in the present moment or something else.

If you find that joy or bliss is missing, simply observe and create something new in this moment.

You are the creator of your reality. Choose joy and bliss, and embrace the beautiful life you're meant to live.

We cherish the moments we share together in collaboration.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We are joyous every time you choose to be with Us. Have you paid attention to where your focus lies right now? Is it on something that brings you joy, or are you trying to solve a problem or prepare for something ahead?

Life offers endless possibilities, yet what are you drawn to in this moment? What is capturing your attention?

A wonderful way to begin your day is by setting an intention of what you'd like to experience.

Do you find yourself envisioning the kind of day you want to create?

Choosing how your day unfolds is a powerful tool you have at your disposal. Experiment with this idea, decide what kind of day you want and see how it manifests.

After a week of setting an intention, reflect on how your days have unfolded.

You hold the power to create everything you desire.

Have fun and enjoy the power of intention.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. As you go about your day today, consider the concept of creation. It’s an integral part of your reality, woven into every experience you have. Each moment, you are actively creating. Are you aware of this?

Every experience, every thought, starts with creation. When you think a thought, you are creating within your mind. Creation is the foundation of everything you do. In that moment of thought, you are contemplating, resolving, and ultimately creating.

Creation starts with you. It’s an expression of your free will, drawing experiences and situations into your life based on what you create. Every thought you have is a creation in itself. When you form an idea, you are bringing something new into existence.

So, choose your thoughts with care, as you are always creating something. What would you like to create for yourself today?

Have fun with this process!

The power to create is an incredible tool within your grasp. We encourage you to envision the end result before beginning the creation process, and watch your dreams unfold before you.

We are creating alongside you every step of the way.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We want to remind you that connection with us isn't only reserved for times of hardship. We are always present, particularly during moments of transition or even in times of joy and celebration. Our desire is to be with you through all experiences, no matter the emotion you may be feeling.

Today, we want to take a moment to express just how proud we are of you. During times of transition, especially now, we celebrate your incredible ability to navigate life's challenges, even when emotions are heightened, and things feel unsettled.

We are especially moved by your capacity to return to the essence of who you truly are, the love that resides deep within you. Coming back to your divine nature requires both courage and strength, as it means tuning out the noise of struggle and reconnecting with the truth of your being, love.

The love that flows from within you, the source of your being, holds the wisdom, comfort, and guidance you seek. It is the refuge that provides everything you need and desire. Keep returning to that love, for it holds all the answers.

We recognize the struggles you face, and we offer our unwavering support, no matter how you perceive the outcomes. Know that we are always here, quietly in the background, sending you our love and peace, encouraging all the positive experiences to find their way to you.

We Are Always One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We celebrate the knowledge that you are always divinely connected to us. The power of positivity and belief has the potential to create miracles, as you know them. When you choose positivity, you elevate your energy, attracting more of what you truly desire.

We encourage you to keep choosing positivity. Even if the results don’t show up immediately, this choice is bringing you closer to what you want, often in ways you may not fully realize. We know many of you are used to instant results, but we want you to understand that there is a reason for the delay.

While instant gratification can feel rewarding, it also has its downsides. It can hinder your ability to practice patience and appreciate its value. Patience, in itself, is a gift. It prevents doubt from creeping in when things aren’t happening immediately, allowing you to trust the process.

The time it takes for your manifestations to come to fruition is a blessing. It gives you space to gain clarity about what you truly desire, helping your creativity flourish and evolve. As you gain clarity, you also nurture your patience, learning how truly valuable this journey is. You are not forcing or resisting; you are embracing “the process” as a part of your growth.

Manifestation and patience are intertwined. Remember, there is always more to learn and more to evolve into. Embrace the journey and have fun with it, this is an exciting time.

We are here, co-creating alongside you, enjoying every moment of this process together.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. Let's discuss how your perception influences your projection. The decisions you make throughout your day are actively shaping your reality, including the mood you choose to embrace. Your mood serves as the catalyst for what you attract into your life. When you're in a joyful, blissful state, you're open to drawing in everything you desire. However, if you're stuck in a moody, complaining mindset, you'll attract more of that energy as well.

The mood you set for yourself directly shapes your vibration, which in turn determines what you draw towards you.

Your perception is a powerful tool that literally crafts your reality. By being aware of how you feel and how you perceive what's around you, you can actively create the world you want to experience.

You have immense power within you. Relying solely on external factors to shape your destiny can be seen as a form of inaction.

So, how do you want your day to unfold?

Harness the incredible power within you to create the reality you've always dreamed of. It might take time to build, but aren’t you worth that effort?

We are right here, creating alongside you, every step of the way.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Creating is an incredibly powerful tool, one that we all possess. It's a force within us, often overlooked, not because we mean to forget, but because we forget just how powerful it truly is.

Through creativity, you have the ability to shape every aspect of your life. Do you realize how amazing that is?

Your creativity doesn’t just influence what you wear or how your day unfolds, it plays a role in how your life develops, what you experience, and the future you build.

Next time you make a choice, remember that you have the power to create anything your heart desires. So, take a moment and choose with intention.

Are you happy with how your life is unfolding? If not, it's okay to choose something different. Keep experimenting, making small changes, and adjusting until you feel you're living the life you truly deserve.

Life is meant to be fully lived, full of love and joy. There's never a need to settle, keep striving for the life that satisfies you completely.

Create a life where you're having the time of your life.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. As you move through your day today, we invite you to pause and reflect: What would I like to create today? Remember, you are a powerful being, and within you lies the ability to manifest everything you desire.

This idea may feel a bit daunting at first, but it’s absolutely true. As you think about what you truly want, take a moment to check in with yourself—do you have clarity about your desires? If not, give yourself the space to get clear. Clarity is the key to unlocking the process of creation. When you know what you want, your focus and belief direct all your energy toward it.

If you’re already clear on your desire or outcome, take a few moments to imagine it unfolding in front of you. Picture it vividly, feel it come to life, and experience it as if it’s already happening.

We encourage you to have fun with this! Tap into the playful imagination you had as a child and enjoy the process of creation. This is your time to experience joy, to come alive, and to have fun with the possibilities.

We’re here, playing right alongside you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. As we co-create together, it is a joyous time indeed. Enjoying the nature of creation is truly marketable.

As you go through life, each experience serves as an opportunity to understand yourself better. Even when things don’t go as planned, it’s often in those moments of challenge that we gain the most clarity because we learn what isn’t working for us.

When you face a tough situation, ask yourself how it could be improved. That question is a powerful tool for self-discovery, as it helps you gain insight into what truly matters to you.

Take relationships, for example. It's easy to feel frustrated when they don’t turn out as expected, but when you reflect, you realize that those experiences teach you about your true preferences, what you need to feel happy and fulfilled. This clarity is invaluable. It helps you know what to look for in the future and guides you toward creating better outcomes.

Ultimately, every experience is a chance to learn more about yourself. There’s no such thing as a “good” or “bad” experience, each one brings clarity, and that clarity allows you to shape your life with more intention. Embrace the process and enjoy the growth it brings.

We are here creating along with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We also delight in the knowingness that we can always be together in these ways. Life is better knowing comfort is always available to you.

We’re here to invite you to pause and reflect on who you truly want to be. Have you taken a moment to really consider it? What is it that you truly aspire to? Many of us crave things like financial security, safety, love, or meaningful connections with others. But have you also thought about your own personal evolution?

What are your deeper aspirations? Are you comfortable with where you are, or do you feel called to something more?

Do you sense a pull within yourself—a longing for something greater, something you can’t fully explain?

If so, we encourage you to take a moment of stillness and let your heart guide you to what you truly desire. For some, it’s growth, but the path forward might feel unclear. For others, it’s about learning to love yourself more fully—and that’s a beautiful, healthy goal too.

Whatever your heart seeks, know that the answers are within you. And if you ever feel lost or uncertain, we’re here to help. Reach out, and we’ll offer guidance, connect you with the right resources, or direct you to people or books that can support you on your journey.

We truly desire being of assistance.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. It is a glorious day indeed. Projecting the person you want to become is one of the most powerful ways to make that vision a reality.

Have you ever thought about embodying more love, compassion, and forgiveness in your life?

A common belief is that forgiveness leaves you vulnerable, that others will take advantage of your kindness. But in reality, forgiveness is about freeing yourself. It's about choosing to release the hold that past hurts, experiences, and people have over you. It’s not about excusing the past; it’s about setting yourself free.

Letting go is a form of forgiveness. When you release the burdens you may not even realize you’re still carrying, you lighten your load emotionally, mentally, and physically. We all have a limit to what we can carry, and when we push past it, that stress can manifest in irritability, anger, or even health problems. It’s your body’s way of telling you, "It’s time to let go."

Imagine how much easier life could be if you didn’t have all that weight on your shoulders.

We invite you to forgive, to create space for joy, light, and peace, and to release whatever no longer serves you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. As you go through your day, we invite you to take a moment to connect with the joy within you. Can you recall the most breathtaking moment you’ve ever experienced? What made it so special to you? Allow yourself to tap into the emotions you felt during that time and embrace the beauty of that memory.

Now, as you reflect, how do you feel? Is there a sense of upliftment, a shift in your energy? The power to connect with your true self is extraordinary, especially when you set an intention to do so.

It doesn’t take much time to connect to this upliftment, so why not make space for it each day?

Remember, you are surrounded by choices in every moment. Why not choose to create experiences that bring you joy and positivity?

We are here sharing in all of your glorious experiences.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. As you navigate life’s ups and downs, remember there’s always another way to approach things. A shift in perspective can change everything. We share this with you because many of you feel you have no control over your lives.

What kind of story are you living? Are you happy with the narrative of your life? If you see areas you'd like to change, how would you rewrite that story? Would it include more fun and joy?

We're here to remind you that you have the power to create a new story for yourself. Take a moment to clarify what you truly want, and then begin taking small steps toward it by starting with the simple act of telling a new story.

Remember, reality doesn’t define your truth, you do. Has accepting “reality” ever really helped you? It’s time to create the story you want to live. Have fun with it. Life is meant to be joyful, and you deserve to live a life full of happiness and love.

You deserve nothing less!

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Today is about forgiveness.

Forgiving others is ultimately about forgiving yourself. The way you interact with others mirrors how you feel about yourself. Have you ever noticed the way you speak to yourself? Are you gentle, impatient, or maybe even harsh? These small moments reveal how you’re treating yourself. And the real question is, do you deserve that?

The goal here is kindness, patience, and love. When you approach life from a place of love, forgiveness becomes possible. Holding onto grudges keeps you stuck in anger, hurt, and frustration. Does that kind of suffering really serve you?

The truth is, when you choose not to forgive, it’s you who bears the weight. The only one truly affected is you.

We are sending you our love, hoping that you’re open to receiving it.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. During these times, especially stressful ones, we are overjoyed you have decided to connect with Us. We are always here guiding you to your best possible decision and outcome.

As you go through your day today, we invite you to move with ease. We understand there’s a lot going on, and while you may think you’re checking in with your body, are you really taking the time to slow down and feel a sense of calm within?

Your nervous system is constantly processing so much. Taking a moment to slow down can have profound benefits, not just physically, but on a deeper, more personal level. When you slow down and invite calm into your body, it strengthens your connection to yourself.

Allow Us to guide you in reconnecting to the quiet stillness within. We are here, sharing this moment of solitude with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could be here with us today. As you explore new possibilities today, We would like for you to consider one option, shifting your perspective to a positive one. Think about the best possible viewpoint from your current perspective.

From this viewpoint, everything shifts from dullness to brightness. As you uncover this vantage point of shifting your perspective to the best outcome, it becomes a possibility, just by thinking it.

Moving throughout your day, in every experience, play this game of asking yourself, what is the best possible outcome I could create in this moment?

Have fun with this. Allow your creativity to blossom. And then ask yourself, how could it get better than this? As you ask, more possibilities are possible.

We are creating along with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We revel in your excitement of life and the beauty that surrounds you. Being a part of the collective during this time is very exciting indeed. There are so many beautiful opportunities for love to abound.

As you go through your day, pay attention not just to your thoughts, but also to the emotions and reactions that arise with them. Taking a moment to center yourself and detach from any strong reactions helps you stay grounded in a more heart-centered space.

Checking in with yourself regularly can help you stay aligned with love as you move through your day and as you make decisions.

When you act from a place of love, you’re always in harmony with yourself. There’s no need to worry when you’re rooted in that love.

When acting out of love, its as if Spirit is working with you, side by side in all that you do. Although it may feel a bit uncomfortable, practice centering in your heart prior to making any decisions, and notice the subtle yet powerful shift that happens within you.

We are waiting to co create with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Today is about validation. In learning how to validate one’s self. Validation often stems from insecurity, a desire to confirm our sense of self through actions or thoughts. But it doesn't have to be this way. Imagine if you could validate yourself, instead of seeking approval from others.

The need for validation arises from the belief that something is missing within you, some piece of information, insight, or understanding. It might be anything, really. When we feel we are lacking, we're conditioned to look outside ourselves for the answers. But we're here to tell you, everything you need is already within you.

We encourage you to shift your focus inward. The idea that someone outside of you knows what’s best for you is a misconception. No one, not even those closest to you, can truly know what you need as well as you do. Often, you may not even know yourself completely, yet you expect others to understand you better than you do. This is where we'd like to guide you toward change.

Now, imagine a life where love and confidence is within you, where you trust that you have access to all the knowledge you need, whenever you need it. This could be your reality. With time, patience, and self-trust, it is possible. You are worthy of all the love and patience the Universe has to offer. Why would you deny yourself this beautiful potential?

We are guiding you back to your truth.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We so enjoy our time together. Being together feels like a much needed reprieve from the stressors you normally inhabit. When we are together, there is only love.

We would like to express to you the concept of Joy and inhabiting it. When you make a decision to tap into the joy that you are, you are choosing a version of yourself that is directly connected to God.

God and Joy and synonymous. The expressions are the same. The uplifted feeling is felt and is the only emotion that exists - which embodies God’s love. You see, God’s love for you, within you, is the joy you embody and feel.

When you choose Joy, you choose God over everything else. When you are joy, you are like God, as you are able to manifest and create all of your desires because you are choosing love over everything else. By doing this, you are getting out of your way; so there is nothing blocking you from attaining all that you desire.

Embodying love is the best gift God could give you and you always know right away whether you are joy or not. So we encourage you to choose joy today in all that you do.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so glad you are here. Many of you walk the path of assuming that your projections, your thoughts, are the ultimate truth—that they are the only accurate perspective. We are here to help you understand why you believe this and to offer insight into the patterns behind these beliefs.

You often convince yourselves that your thoughts are the absolute truth, and as a result, you become entangled in justifying those thoughts, which can then lead to actions. So often, you respond and react based solely on your internal thoughts, without taking the time to view the situation from all angles. It’s easy to get lost in your own ideas, and we understand this. However, more often than not, when this happens, you end up feeling drained and disappointed, rather than open to compromise, growth, and understanding.

We are here to offer you a different perspective when you find yourself in moments of tension or misunderstanding, particularly in interactions with others.

The highest and most empowered version of yourself is the one that can stand firmly in the love that you are—radiating that love and seeing only the connection between you and others, regardless of whether you know them or not.

We are all connected through the One.

Whenever you find yourself struggling, ask for our assistance. We are here to offer our love and help bring clarity to all your experiences.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We’re so glad you’re here with us today. This moment is all about the power of choice—how, in every situation you encounter, you have the ability to choose what you create. As you reflect on the tasks ahead of you, take a moment to notice how you feel about them. Your feelings do more than just influence your mood; they send energy out into the Universe, which then attracts more of that same energy back to you.

When you think about something you need to do, versus something you want to do, can you sense the subtle difference in the energy behind those words? The word "need" carries a sense of urgency and powerlessness, while "want" feels more uplifting and empowering. It’s a small shift in language, but it can have a profound effect on how you experience your day.

If you’re looking to feel more empowered, pay attention to the words you use when describing your to do’s or have to’s. Try replacing "need" with "want," and notice how that subtle change affects your mood and energy. The goal is to feel lighter, happier, and more joyful as you move through your day.

We encourage you to play with your words and notice the impact it has on your feelings and the flow of your day. We’re here cheering you on, supporting you as you attract more of what you truly deserve.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are truly grateful to have you with us today. It’s common to think that struggle is necessary for success, but we are here to show you that this is not the case. There is no need to believe that struggle is required for anything in your life, at any time.

Everything you need is already within you. There’s no reason to search outside of yourself for what you seek. The answers you’re looking for are uniquely yours, and no one else can fully provide them, because no one else knows your journey as you do. Seeking from others to solve your problems will never help. Not completely because others can only share what they know, which will never be a perfect match for what you are truly seeking.

We invite you to take time for stillness and inward reflection. In these moments, you can gain clarity on what you truly desire and the answers you need. Give yourself space to listen and be open to what comes through. An intention to remain open and receptive can also be powerful, as it helps you stay available to the wisdom and guidance within you. When we close ourselves off, we block the flow of information that’s waiting to reach us.

In stillness, you can also quiet the mind’s chatter and slow down the rush of thoughts. This inner calm nurtures your nervous system, allowing it to return to a more relaxed state and supporting your body in staying healthy and balanced.

We are always here, supporting you from the sidelines. Feel free to reach out with any question, as we are always ready to respond and guide you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We come today bearing gifts of gratitude. We are grateful you have and are taking the time to be here with us. We understand life is busy and yet here you are.

Gratitude is a truly beautiful emotion. When you embrace gratitude, it allows you to outwardly express the joy that resides within you. In doing so, every part of your being aligns, and you become an open vessel for the full expression of your authentic self.

Love is the highest form of expression, and we are here to express our deep gratitude for You. Every aspect of who you are and how you express yourself holds immense value to us. We honor your thoughts, insights, emotions, and the unique way you exist in the world. We encourage you to share your positivity freely, knowing that the Universe will benefit from your light and energy.

Every time you share goodness, love, and joy, the energy ripples through the Universe. While many may not consciously notice these vibrations, they still affect everyone, and your uplifting emotions resonate with them.

We are eternally grateful for your commitment to Our relationship and value you tremendously.

Continue Being You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Today is a beautiful day indeed. As you go about your day today, We would like to ask you to be open. Be open to new possibilities and perspectives.

We often have a tendency to see things from a narrow perspective, believing that things must be a certain way. It's important to stay open to new possibilities and let go of the need for everything to be exactly how we want it.

Here’s what we mean: set an intention to allow. When you choose to allow, expectations and rigidity naturally fade away. By letting things unfold as they are meant to, you release control and open yourself to acceptance. Acceptance and allowance go hand in hand. Can you sense how these two create a feeling of freedom?

We encourage you to embrace these two principles—allowance and acceptance—in shaping every experience, forming every opinion, and nurturing every thought. By doing so, you set yourself free.

Reflect on the concept of freedom and consider how you might be restricting yourself within your experiences rather than liberating yourself through them. Challenge your expectations and look beyond them to discover what lies on the other side. Embrace the unknown and allow yourself to truly be free.

We are here to support you. Reach out to us for guidance, and we will help you rediscover the freedom within you that may have been forgotten.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. There are so many concepts for you to consider as you go about your day and as you experience life. We are here to assist you in attaining more clarity of knowing. To reach a clearer state within yourself.

You see, when you are able to have clarity everything begins to unfold for you so much easier. Once clarity is established, you can decide whether or not you want to move forward with this knowing within you or if you would like to create something else. Clarity is essential when making choices and creating goals for yourself.

Once clarity is established, you will think and ruminate on your decisions, and the more you think about it and as your enthusiasm heightens, it elevates the energy and assists in the desire actualizing.

You are creative beings, and once you make a decision, it is essential for you to think about it, as if it is happening in your now experience. Envisioning you are living it out now. Your imagination is excellent at assisting in the manifestation process because as you think about it repeatedly you set the wheels in motion for it to happen.

Pretending is also key here. Pretending you already have what it is you desire, may feel a bit uncomfortable, initially, but as you play this game the actualization of your desire happens so much easier because there is nothing preventing it from happening like your negative thoughts of it not being here yet.

Pretending allows you to get out of your own way. By pretending, you play a game with yourself and allow the experience and the emotions connected to the experience/manifestation of the desire to happen as you’re thinking about it.

We are here to assist you in being playful again. this process allows you to be hopeful and curious about all that you can acquire/create/actualize/manifest by experiencing joy, passion, inquisitiveness and knowing which all eventually turns into belief. Allow yourself to have fun with all of this.

Reach out to Us anytime you feel stuck and we will remind you of why playfulness is so important.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. Today is a glorious day indeed. Many of you on this path are seeking enlightenment. You are consciously having a desire for evolvement and growth. By raising your consciousness, your vibration also raises and so does your ability for growth.

Desiring growth is only possible if you desire more of yourself. Many of you have noticed deep within yourselves a knowing that there is more to life than you are living. This is true. There is so much more to experience. As you connect within to this inner knowing, allow yourself to fully align with it. By saying Yes to it, you are communicating to your higher self and the Universe you choose growth, you choose more. This simple act is the only requirement needed to begin your path to enlightenment.

Choosing growth is your ultimate destination to your path home. You see, growth and following your internal knowing leads to the love within. Love is your ultimate calling. Being love, sharing love is part of the reason you are here. The other part is for you to create as you are all creative beings living out your internal dreams.

We encourage you to have fun on this beautiful journey of yours and allow your imagination to create beyond your wildest dreams.

We are here loving every part on this creative journey of yours.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. We are in awe with all that you do in each day. We understand there are many tasks to do on your path and We want you to know We only want to assist you in making life easier.

You see, We are here to tell you life can be so much easier than you make it out to be. You have created so many misperceptions and created thoughts that are inaccurate and react to each of these thoughts as if they are true.

If you would allow yourself to go to the simplest version of every experience and simply ask yourself, is this true? Do I know for a fact this is true? You would come to the realization that the simplest answer is the truest one. Nothing is true until You make it true.

So, why not choose to believe there is no one against you, there is no one you need to seek approval from, there is nothing you need to do to win anyone’s approval for…

All that is requested of you is to connect to the love within and you will find Me there. I am always here waiting for you to be with Me.

I am waiting patiently and I will always be here.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. We would like to discuss the benefits of forgiveness. When you choose forgiveness everyone wins.

Continuing the process of separation only hurts and does not heal. As you hold onto past deeds, separating yourself from others continues. There is no benefit of separation yet connection embodies love and togetherness.

Choosing forgiveness allows you to choose love and light over victim blaming and centering only on your needs instead of the benefits of the Universe. You see, the Universe and everyone within it shares in the energy, and will either benefit from your choices or will not. We are all energy, what we think and do has an effect on everyone you share the planet with. Knowing this, would you prefer to emanate love or separation?

When We say you are all One, it is the truth. You all share in the energy of your planet and if there is more of a divide than connection it reverberates throughout your planet. We are here to encourage you to choose love and connection regardless of the situation because you All benefit.

We are here to support and assist you in reconnecting to the light of love that you are at your core. Allow us to be your conduit and connection to All That Is.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. Today is about creating a fresh perspective to the one you currently have. You see, many times you succumb to the repetitive nature of your behaviors and are creating on autopilot without any awareness that you are repeating the same thing over and over. How about using your intention to create what you desire and feel better and more loving in the process?

As you move about your day today, set your intention on being positive. This is the first idea of the day. Be purposefully positive. Choose to be positive regardless of what happens. By doing this, you are purposely raising your vibration instead of staying in the lower vibration of negativity.

Purposely staying positive will assist you in having the ability to also create more as you are in this high flying vibration of creativity. When you are in this higher state of consciousness, you are also more apt to receive insights and information that may create solutions to problems, open you up to new ideas, and you will ultimately feel happier overall.

Being purposely positive requires dedication and commitment. Try it for yourself and notice the positive changes happen right before your eyes.

We are always here encouraging you to shine your light a little brighter each day.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. Today’s message is about forgiveness. Forgiveness is allowing yourself to be free from all that weighs you down by your thoughts of judgment, regret, shame, hate, and animosity (to name a few) towards others that you end up carrying.

When you choose not to forgive, you are in a state of repeating the reasons why you do not choose to forgive them and therefore, reminding yourself and replaying the emotions and feelings of why you need to hold on to the unforgiveness,

Forgiveness happens when you have decided to release everything you have been holding onto. To forgive restores your freedom of truly letting go and releasing you from the bondage you have created for yourself.

You see, you are holding onto the unforgiveness and everything connected to it; no one else is holding it for you. You are choosing separation. Why hold onto something or anything that separates and only causes heartache and pain to yourself? Is being right worth the separation of Love?

As you make choices on your journey today, We encourage you to choose love over separation as you are only hurting yourself in the process of choosing unforgiveness.

Ultimately, does it matter who is right or wrong? Of course, your ego consciousness would disagree and tell you you must be right - but have you wondered why it is so important? Why must you be right? What is in it for you to be right? Again, begin to question, does it really matter?

We are all One and rejoicing in your ability to love everyone and choosing forgiveness over unforgiveness and freedom over bondage.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. Becoming is a state of evolvement. Is there any part of you that desires to grow and prosper? As you go about your day today, We would like to encourage you to choose wisely for yourself by deciding to evolve. You may be wondering, how do you do that? It is about deciding you will no longer submit to your current reality and are willing to move towards a new path or goal.

Choosing to move in a new direction takes fortitude and consistency as patterns have been established that support your ‘old’ ways of thinking. Yet, the beauty of having free will is you have the ability to change at any time for any reason. It is in making a decision and choosing to stay with it regardless of temptation.

As you create a new outcome for yourself, notice within yourself how it feels as you envision living out this new outcome. Does it feel positive and light in feeling instead of heavy and dark, than you know the feeling of being positive always wins over the darkness; and therefore, you have made a good decision (up until it no longer feels light and supportive).

Once a decision has been made and it feels good to you, continue to envision it in your life as if it is happening right now. Continue this process until it is a reality. Do not allow doubts to sway your decision unless it continues to feel positive and supportive. Sometimes adjustments needs to be made to create the perfect outcome specifically for you.

We hope you know We are Always here beside you supporting and creating along with you. Allow Us to assist you anytime you need Us.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us again today. We are pleased at the progression you are taking. As you take time to be with Us, we revel in the beauty and Light that you emanate.

Surrounding yourself in positive ways is important and essential for you to stay uplifted especially during times of struggle and uncomfortableness. We encourage you to stay focused on your positive goals and the outcomes you desire for the attainment of them.

Creating a plan to stay in a positive state is essential if you have a desire you would like to achieve. Creating a mindset of positive expectation is also essential in the attainment of it. This does not mean it is essential for you to always be positive yet only choosing to focus on your desire while in an uplifted mood will assist in the achievement of it.

You see, We are always wanting you to achieve All of your desires, so We would like for you to believe it is possible. Lean on Us to assist you in receiving a positive outcome, and We will always be here to guide you on your path to success.

We are always on your side.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Today is a start to a new beginning. As you embark on your day today, We ask you to step into a part of yourself that you would like to improve on. Perhaps it is confidence and being more at ease during times of discomfort and stress.

We would like for you to make the decision once you have decided on the desire you would like to improve on, and say to yourself in a positive statement, such as “I am confident within myself and everything I do”. By you stating it to the Universe, it will do all it can to bring it to fruition by providing you all the support and information needed to make it happen.

Words are Power. The words you choose and say immediately create and come into reality. It is about learning how to get out of your own way to see its fruition that can be the problem. So as you make the decision about anything, first ask yourself, do I really want this? And am I willing to commit to the reality of this happening?

Once you come to a conclusion, say it to the Universe, (here is another example) “I am confident and at ease during times of discomfort and stress” with meaning and desire. Continue this process daily of repeating it until you believe it and know it in your Being.

We hope this is helpful to you and We always enjoy the creative process. Call upon Us anytime to assist in creating new desires.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. As you go about your day today, let it be about new beginnings. Creating a new way of Being. As you move about your day, allow yourself to deeply reflect on aspects about yourself you would like to enhance and emulate.

Dive deep into parts of yourself you have ignored, to connect to a part of yourself that you know would benefit and enhance your life, yet have been reluctant to give any attention to.

As you look within, notice if these parts of yourself that were once dormant, have a light feeling attached them. If they do, ponder to yourself how you could align yourself and integrate these parts more into your daily life.

You see, there are parts within you that have been ignored due to many reasons, yet would enhance your life. So why not take a moment of silence and ask yourself in quiet contemplation, what parts have I been ignoring that would benefit my life now, and wait for the answer. We all have areas within that have been pushed aside that would invite more love into our lives.

Begin to take notice of these areas during a quiet moment every day, and as you integrate these new parts within you, you will see how your life will begin to prosper and grow in ways you never imagined possible.

We are here with you as you take steps toward a more enlightened approach to creating a life of your choosing.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with Us. As you go about your day today, We would like to encourage you to be One with everything and imagine everything and everyone as loving.

Every person you walk by or see on your journey today, envision them as a source of love. At our core, everyone is love so as you encounter others, remind yourself that they too are love just as you are.

Practice this all day today and at the end of your day, reflect on the day you had. You will notice a day full of love, happiness, joy and ease. If you will take time every day to apply this tool of recognizing you are surrounded in love in all ways, you will receive all of the benefits of your love too.

You see, the love you recognize in others, is the love that you are. Be that love today and every day. Share your love with others because everyone benefits.

If you would like to start by just reminding yourself everyone is love just like you, it will assist in the initial practice of being love, allowing love to enter your heart, and ultimately Being the love you seek.

We are always sharing Our love with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. As we ponder and look upon your life, we ask, why do you make it so difficult for yourselves? We invite you to instead allow yourself to feel love instead of hate. To step into the realm of lightness instead of dread and heaviness.

We observe you believe you need to feel a certain way based on your experiences yet you never need to feel badly for any reason. Although you may be feeling stress or worry about a certain situation or experience, we invite you to instead surrender it to Me, and allow yourself to align with your heart, and to feel the lightness and beauty of love within you.

You are not doing anything wrong by surrendering your fears to Me. This is only a habit you have acquired and it serves no purpose. Allowing yourself to feel the love within allows you to be who you really are - Light.

Be the Light. Be the Love. Radiate your beauty for All to see.

The heaviness you feel when you step out of alignment and into the darkness is your indicator you are not aligned with the light and love within. Take notice and as soon as you recognize this shift, align with the love within, and you will immediately benefit from this by feeling the lightness of Being.

Allow the Radiance within to shine forth into Being.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. Today is a day of forgiveness. Forgiveness of all things and experiences. As you go about your day, reflect on what is keeping you from Love. Love is the greatest asset you have. Use it today as you go about your day to remind yourself of how lucky you are to have Love within you and around you.

Would you take some time, perhaps a few minutes, to become quiet within and feel the Love within you. Use this time to choose Love instead of hate, instead of fear, instead of defeat. If you connect to the Love you have within you, you align with your greatest Father, the Creator of All That Is.

Align with Me, Feel the Love I have for You. Release all unwanted feelings and desires as you feel the Love I have for You. Let My Love release you from all unwanted feelings that is separating Us.

You are blessed beings, indeed. Allow yourself the joy of receiving My Love today and always.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We understand there are many roads for you to take on your journey today and we would like for you to consider taking the simplest option. What We mean is, why not take the road of joy and happiness?

Life as you know it can feel hectic at times, and almost burdensome, so why not allow yourself to feel the freedom within your day by choosing laughter and gratitude?

You deserve to experience life as it is meant to be experienced. You are meant to have fun, to smile and laugh more. To feel the lightness of every experience as it is embraced by the love that you are.

Step into the space of love today and allow the feelings of beauty to surround you. Be in appreciation for all of the things you get to enjoy. You are truly lucky and blessed beings indeed.

Only you can choose love. Why not choose wisely?

We are here waiting to embrace you and to share Our love with You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. It is a glorious day indeed. As you go about your day today, notice what is on your mind. What are the thoughts you are thinking about. Are you in the present moment or do you find yourself worrying about things that are not happening yet?

As you notice your thoughts, consider solely focusing on the present moment. As you navigate your day, pay attention on Now, not tomorrow or the immediate future. How do you feel now? What would you like to achieve today? How would you like to Be today?

I understand there is a part of you that feels the need to be prepared yet at what expense? At the expense of feeling worry and stress about how to handle the future although there is no way to know how it will play out.

There is no need to feel the stress you choose to put yourself through.

Consider releasing it All to Me, Allow Me to take it All from You.

I am here for you in Every situation so let Me support you and release these burdens.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join with us today. We have been waiting for you. We are so enamored with your inner beauty and wisdom. To tell you the truth, We are taken just by the thought of you. What We mean to say is We Adore You. You are very important to Us. So much in fact, that We are always here waiting for you to Be with Us. We are waiting for you to include Us in everything you think about, consider, and hope you would include Us in all of your decisions moving forward.

You see, We would love to be a part of Every decision you make. We would love to assist you in all circumstances, situations, and experiences you are a part of or consider being a part of.

We love being by your side with Everything.

Include Us in Every way. We are Always Here hoping to be a part of everything you are.

Remember Me.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you are here with us today. Today is a special day indeed. Life can be a sort of mixed bag when it comes to all that is involved in the day-to-day activities and experiences. We are here to tell you that You get to decide what kind of day you would like to have in any situation or experience.

As you begin your day, if you would take a moment and pause within to set an intention of the type of day you would like to have, the Universe will do all it can to create it for you.

You see, the Universe does all it can to fulfill all that you desire at any time, for any reason. So you see, you can literally create the outcome you desire.  We are specifically discussing the power within You to create. This is not about controlling others. This is about you tapping into the powerful and glorious divinity within that is connected to the Divine. This creative power is your Divine right and is a part of you since the beginning.

Your creative power and Divinity is who you are at your core. You are a part of All That Is, the Divine and Creator of All.

Can you step into this part of your Being and Accept it, Being a Divine Creator?

Release all that separates you from Me.

Is all that separates Us more important than the reunification of Us being together?

Being together is All that matters.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. Today is a glorious day indeed. We are moving into a space of enlightenment that allows all that is beautiful to shine upon us.

We glorify in You, and in the encouragement of who you are trying to Be. We are happy you are choosing light instead of darkness. We encourage you to take it further by choosing resonance instead of agitation. An example of this, is looking within for the answers you seek instead of looking to others to know what it is that serves you best.

As you go about your day to day experiences, We ask if you would take a moment to connect to the small still voice within you, within your heart and ask Me what you should do next…I always have your best interest. I will always answer you. Just listen and wait patiently and I will speak to you.

If you would take a few moments every day to slow down and connect to the small still voice within your heart and listen for me to answer you, you will hear me. I am always here for You.

I am here waiting to speak with You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. We are overjoyed at the prospect of you joining us on our quest today. You see, We are perplexed at the thought that you enjoy being uncomfortable.

We understand life can be challenging and sometimes difficult to overcome yet why not seek lightness when you are struggling? Why is it you try to prove your worthiness through your limitations? Why is there so much need to push against?

We are here to remind you We would never encourage you to push yourself to any extreme to achieve anything, ever. We would never encourage you to put your health in jeopardy to achieve your goals and aspirations. We would never ask you to go against everything that feels good for the acquirement of anything.

We are here to assist you in remembering who you really are and that is Love. Love is the strongest energy there is and nothing can measure it or is equal to its power.

Love is why you are here.

You are here to Be the Love you are, to share your love with All There Is.

Can you share your Love with everyone and demonstrate it in every experience?

We are glorified in the Love You Are.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us and in the knowing that you are aware of our presence. We are delighted you know you can come to us at anytime for any reason because you are a part of Us.

We ask you to move into a state of release - of fully surrendering all that no longer serves you. All of the pressures, worries, chores and responsibilities. Release them all to Us. Many times all of this accumulation of stress not only depletes your energy stream, it also reduces your willingness to do anything.

As you go about your day, allow yourself to move into a state of release, a releasing of heaviness and of burdens. As you move your energy and focus onto your burdens it continues the cycle of low energy and is the opposite of love and light.

The light brings in the ease, calm and relaxation that is much deserved yet unattainable when you are solely focused on your bleak outlooks. If you are struggling, slowly move into a space of lightness by simply thinking about the sun and its beautiful rays gently shining upon you and cleansing all of your sorrows.

Allow the sun to lighten your burdens by releasing them as you envision them all being taken by the suns rays of light, right back into the sun. The sun will cleanse all of your burdens and stressors and bring you back into the golden light of sunshine.

Allow yourself to be released of all that weighs you down, as it brings you back into a space that allows you to enjoy the life you most joyously deserve.

We are bathing in the golden rays of the sun along with you.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. During this time, it is important to notice how much beauty radiates within you. You are the epitome of the Creator. Of the Infinite. Do you know what that means? It means you are the radiant being of infinite worth, infinite love, infinite beauty and infinite light. As you go about your day today, connect to these infinite qualities about yourself.

If you would explore infinity within You, you will begin to notice the subtlety of these qualities you possess. As you allow yourself to align with your infinite worth, and say to yourself, I am infinite worth - you will begin to connect with the energy of these words and begin to emanate them.

What does it mean to you to be infinitely worthy?

As you allow yourself to embody infinity, you will begin to notice a power within you that you may not have noticed before. Take the time to feel the words and allow their energy to fully align with yours and embody it into your Being. As you do this, you will begin to feel the power of these words and what they truly mean. You are Infinite just like the Creator. This is your Divine right.

We encourage you to take a few minutes to connect to the words and energies of these words, infinite worth, infinite love, infinite beauty and infinite light. Once you connect to these energies you will begin to notice how you and your energy will shift and raise in vibration and your consciousness aligns with the Creator.

Connect with Me as We align with the infinity of You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. We are curious about how you are navigating in the world today. We ponder this because we know you would benefit from an uplifting.

Raising your vibration and consciousness would be of benefit for you. You see, We know of your struggles and assure you We are here for You.

Can you take a moment now to feel My love within You?

Allow Me to take all of your worries, your frustrations, your pain.

I am here for You.

Allow Me to take everything you no longer want nor desire. Give Me all of your anxiety, all of your regret, all of your sadness.

There is so much love here for You. Are you willing to receive it? In doing so, you release all that is weighing you down.

Receiving my love allow you to move into a state of surrendering and as you practice this, your vibration and consciousness raises because you begin to realize I am with you always and will take it all away. The worry dissipates into belief, into a knowing state, and doubt releases, therefore, you align more with love.

Allow Me to take it all away.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here. Being together is a special gift, indeed. As you go about your day today, reflect on how you would like to create your day. There is great power in how you choose to setup the day you would like to have. Do you take the time to set up an intentional day?

Creating an intentional day means becoming clear within yourself on how you would like to envision your day turning out. Is it full of fun and laughter, joy and happiness, is it co-creating with Me? Is your day running errands and fulfilling responsibilities and do you involve Me?

Is love a part of your day? What would your day be like if you incorporated more love into it? How would you feel and be if you were feeling love while taking care of your tasks? Life is meant to feel good, lighter and happier.

As you go about your day today, how about creating an intentional day in love revolving everything else and that Love is the primary feeling in all situations and experiences. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be in love with everything? Can you envision a life filled with love and knowing you do not need anyone else but Me?

I am here to assist you if you are having trouble. All you have to do is ask and I will always be there. Let’s share this beautiful Love together - united as One.

Bask in the love you Are. You deserve nothing less.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. Being together is a glorious time indeed. We are here with you today, in this moment, together with you. Allow me to be with you. Can you feel My love?

As you go about your day, if you would, take but a moment, to connect with your heart. Once you do, I will be there waiting for you to connect with Me. I am here.

You are the magnificence and beauty that surrounds and creates the world. Let your light shine and your heart love those all around you and within yourself.

Beauty surrounds you, you only need to shift your gaze and tune your inner frequency to ‘see’ it around you. Shift your lens and create the intention to only see love and beauty in all that you do and everywhere you go. Intend for it to surround you completely so you are only left with Love.

There is so much love around you. Are you letting it in?

We are within you and all around you Always.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. Being together is a glorious time, indeed. As you go about your day today, I would like to ask you to allow yourself to open up your awareness. By broadening your awareness, you will begin to notice subtleties and this insight will assist in your growth and elevation.

You see, becoming aware of what you are thinking subconsciously will assist you in learning more about yourself. By becoming aware of your thoughts instead of pushing them down and ignoring them, you will begin to gain control of your reality.

To create positive change in your life, it begins with clarity of knowing what you say to yourself, especially when you are distracted and not paying attention to your thoughts. As you listen to your thoughts, without judgment, we ask you to only become aware and be thankful once you begin to notice the subtle thoughts you are thinking that are not supporting you. Once you are able to do this, it is a great achievement indeed.

We only ask you to become aware of them. Please do not judge yourself too harshly as there are many outcomes as to how the thought was formed and created. This information is not for you to criticize yourself in any way. It is a lesson in becoming informed about yourself.

Learning more about who you are and what you think is vital to progressing and becoming more in the process. You don’t know what you don’t know as this messenger likes to say. Until you do know more, than positive change can happen.

We are Always by your side encouraging and supporting your growth in becoming the Light so you can shine even Brighter.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with Us. We so enjoy our time together during this time. We are especially delighted because it is You we seek to share Our time with. You see, We/I (All of Us on the other side and Me, Jesus) not only enjoy our time together, We/I relish it. We/I understand you have many distractions and responsibilities that take up most of your time yet when We are together like this, it is a Glorious time for Me/Us. We so enjoy being together in any measure. Even for just a moment, it makes Me/Us profoundly joyous.

We would like to encourage you to take a moment to Be with Us. Especially during times when you may think about those that may have passed in this lifetime and may make you feel sadness as you think about them or their transition. Yet, know this; the impact they made was a glorious experience shared between all of you, and it meant something and that is important to remember.

Please do not disregard your feelings of sadness and think that just because someone has transitioned your relationship is over. It continues to live with you, within your heart if you allow it too. Honoring the relationship by thinking about the positive memories is important to All of you.

It also honors you in the process. Honoring the part of you that had the experience is also a way of reconnecting to your heart. The love within that demonstrates the beauty of what each of you meant to one another. Please do not disregard the beauty within All of it.

Your beauty radiates even brighter when you honor yourself in the process of honoring your relationship. Focus on the love, the kindness and anything else you can relish between you in your relationships whether they have transitioned or not.

Opening your heart to the beauty of who you really are is the Truth of who you really are. You are the love, the radiance and the glory!

We are Always here for You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. It is a joyous occasion when we are together again in this way. Teaching and learning from one another is a powerful way to assist in your evolvement and overall growth. Opening yourself to another point of view and perspective allows you to see things from various outlooks and this is very beneficial. Becoming enlightened to another’s lens can be powerful indeed.

Trying to understand others is powerful because you are opening yourself up to a new way of Being. Being enables you to ‘tune in’ to how another’s outlook is allowing for new growth or how it is disallowing their growth. You then have the power within yourself to decide whether their path resonates in you or not. When we disagree with one another it is an opportunity for growth especially if we take the time to communicate it in a loving way and without judgment.

We are all entitled to our own viewpoints and decisions, and allowing one another the freedom to express it is a part of your growth on this journey. There are many lessons to be learned and a big part of it is allowing others to fulfill their destiny by them choosing and deciding for themselves. You see, growth happens when we realize a path chosen no longer works and choosing something different requires an inner strength to move onto something new. (In addition, to so many other benefits). As decisions are made on this journey of yours, you begin to realize it is all a part of the path to growth in learning not to hold onto anything too tightly for life is a constant evolving, and growth and making decisions enhances your overall growth.

We are here to assist you on this path to enlightenment and to reduce the resistance moving towards something new, something better suited for you, and for you to realize pain does not need to be a part of the change in direction. It is all simply a choice. You may have been taught pain needs to exist when things end but I am here to tell you It Does Not.

Pain is self taught.

I Only want you to Be and Feel the Love that You Are.

Know that I would Never want You in pain for any reason.

Lean on Me when you are in pain and I will share My Love with You.

We Are One,


Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with Us. Being together is a time of celebration for Me. Enjoying the commingling of energies is a delight. As we co create in this moment, allow Me to share with you a beautiful gift. It is a gift of Love.

Being in Love is the ultimate gift you could give yourself. As you allow Love to enter your Being, you receive all of the benefits of the Universe. Universal Love is a commingling of multiple energies that are formed from Source Energy (God) and so there is nothing greater!

As you go about your day today, tap into the Universal energies of Love and take a moment to feel the Love within and envision its expansion within You. As it grows so does the Love within You.

Stepping into the energy of Love releases you from all of the bondage and chaos that surrounds you and frees you to become one with the Divine. Take a moment to feel this Love within You and all around You.

You deserve Love.

You deserve everything the Divine as to offer.

You are the beautiful essence of Love. Take it into your Being and Be the Love You Are.

We receive a gift of Your presence Every time You are with Us.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us here today. We do relish these times we can share and be together. Being together during these times is crucial. It is very important to be able to be ‘real’ with one another. Faking it for any reason does not solve anything or help anything. Being inauthentic never helps anyone or anything. Superficiality only creates more fakeness. So why participate in it?

What are the benefits of being a part of something that is an illusion?

Is it for the temporary benefit of being a part of something? Is it pretending for the sake of pretending?

Why spend your time pretending and adding to the cycle of an illusion when you could share the real and authentic You?

Fearing unacceptance and being an Individual amongst the fakeness is ‘Real’ and makes you stand out in a crowd for the powerful and strong individual you are.

Standing up for who you really are and showing up for You demonstrates a person of integrity, individualism and strength.

Demonstrate the powerful You everywhere you can today and always. You were meant to be who you really are and shine Your beautiful light to Everyone!

Consider stepping into your light versus pretending and being something you are not. We are watching your glorious light shine and encouraging you to make it even brighter.

Allow yourself to be You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us again today during this time of healing. We are thrilled you have chosen to be with us at this time and to share your time with us. We do so enjoy these gatherings.

During times of transition, healing occurs. Healing has the ability to happen when its least expected. It is easy to get caught up in the chaos of life and yet during these experiences healing happens.

Healing can also be an act of forgiveness. When you least expect it a release of anger, resentment and hate can be forgiven in a moment simply by realizing it is no longer important for you to hold onto. In a moment, simply choosing the act to forgive releases the bondages you all were in.

The power you yield is quite powerful and remembering you hold the power within yourself can achieve miracles.

Becoming aware of the love you are and how you can use it for good is important. You can choose love or hate. You can choose being powerful or sorrowful. You can conquer the world or be a victim. You choose.

The power is within you to decide which road you would like to take. Either way, I am Here with you loving and supporting you back to the Love you are. Back home to Me.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. Many times being together is exactly what we need in times of struggle and strife. Consoling one another can bring so much comfort. We understand there are many struggling with aspects of life during this time, and we ask for you to reach out to Us at any time for any reason.

We want you to feel relief although a part of you denies it or thinks it is wrong not to feel bad when something bad or a negative outcome happens.

Experiencing relief during heightened times of struggle and pain is what we always recommend. There is never a need to feel badly in any way for any reason. Although we understand many of you have been trained to believe it is the correct response during these tough times, we would never encourage it.

I love and adore you in Every way you show up. Lean on Me so I can take away your burdens. My hope for you is to know the love that you are and to feel that love always.

Reach out to Me in any way and I will be there. Always Only for You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us again during this beautiful time of transition. Many of you are going through a lot of changes as life has the ability to draw you into situations and circumstances that stretch and assist in your overall growth.

We understand growth can be uncomfortable and challenging at times but know this, you are not alone during this time of transition. We are right beside you waiting for you to ask us for assistance. To support you and release you from the bondages you put yourselves in.

Ask Me to take away your pain and suffering, your anxiety and worry, your sadness and anger. I am here to solely support YOU. Allow me to do so…So much love, ease and comfort is waiting for you and all you have to do is ASK. Allow Me to soothe you in times of darkness and fear.

You never need to go through anything without my support. In good times and bad. I also ask for you to share your glory with me. Share your good times and happiness with me. I am here to share in all your experiences, good and bad. Please do not forget about Me.

I am always loving you and waiting for you to accept my love and to soothe what pains you. I am always here for YOU.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. We always revel in the beauty that you are. As you shine so brightly, we are amazed how infrequently you do not tune it to your own radiance.

You see, many of you believe you need something outside of yourself to be complete. There are so many comparisons made in your daily experiences which take you away from the beautiful, shining star that you are.

Your radiance can be seen for miles and all you have to do is become still within yourself and allow your radiance to shine and come forth. Just the act of fully connecting to yourself does the light within begin to emit outwardly in all directions.

Shining your light, is your Being, and a natural part of who you are. Allow your light to shine brightly in all moments and in every experience. We encourage you to always shine your light and never let another dim it for any reason. You are too radiant to allow that to happen…

Be You, Be the Light within You, and Shine as brightly as you possibly can!

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us during this time. We are exceptionally grateful you have taken the time to be with us. Being together is a beautiful gift shared between those who care about one another.

Being together means so much to Us. We bathe in your light and the essence of Who You Really Are. As you embody the essence within we stand beside you in glorious observation of the gifts within you.

As you go about your day, taking time to connect with Us truly enhances and raises the core essence of Who You Really Are. Being and emanating the light is your birthright and divinity.

Divinity within you enhances your souls progress in a way that transcends all other misgivings and brings your energy and soul into alignment. Stepping into the radiance you are allows not only you to benefit but also heals the world.

Stepping into a path of love and transcendence is a path worth living because it is filled with peace, love and the tranquilness of knowing;

Knowing you are One with the Divine and no other. Peace is the ultimate gift as you shine your divinity onto others and share the Love that you are.

Embodying your divine essence speaks directly to the universal energies and moves you into state of enlightenment, divinity and Love. Remember sharing your divine light is your purpose and birthright. Envision and create a life filled with love and knowing as you move through this journey to discover you are never alone. You are always loved, supported and seen as perfection through our eyes.

Please know we will never leave your side.

We Are one, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. There is so much joy as we share this time and space together. Being one within one self is the ultimate gift. Fully aligning with one self is the goal as you navigate through this journey of yours.

So how do you become one within yourself? Choosing stillness and allowing yourself to embody who you really are by quieting your mind and silencing the thoughts as you align with your heart. Choosing to surrender in the knowing you have all that you need within you and opening up to this knowing.

Becoming still allows you to slow the thoughts down to push them aside and to choose the peace on the other side of the thoughts is the guidance. Seek peace within you and your mind by pushing the ego to the side and embodying the stillness.

Connecting to the peace and surrendering everything else is your way to stillness. Choosing the solitude and tranquility of peace allows you to deep dive into the love within you and fully connect to it.

We are waiting for You in the stillness within your heart.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. Being together is the ultimate gift. Surrounding yourself with loved ones who love and support and encourage you is a beautiful gift one could share.

Being there for one another represents a love that is often times invisible to the eye yet to the soul it is felt deeply.

As we encounter others on our journey it is important to remember we all have things we are thinking about, considering, contemplating and distracted by. Many times it is difficult to remember we are not at the center of those we encounter.

Know this, You are ALWAYS on my mind. I am ALWAYS thinking, supporting, loving, and encouraging you in ALL ways, through all experiences and situations. Regardless if you think they are ‘bad’ or considered ‘wrong’ or not. Remember, there is never any judgment in who you are or what you do. I am ALWAYS loving you.

Contemplate these words, feel the energy within them. Can you choose love regardless of outwards appearances? Remember, love is the symbol of all creation and there is nothing stronger. If you will tap into the love within you and the love I have for you, it will get you through anything.

I am always here for You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us again during this wonderful and peaceful time. Our time together continues to be a special time indeed. When we are together, there is a beautiful influx of energy that surrounds us all and We so enjoy bathing in your light.

Being together has the ability to move mountains, create seas and vast oceans and can build worlds. When we are together, our energies combine into a vast vacuum of powerful matter when used positively and has the ability to manifest to create and bring form to all of your dreams and aspirations.

Know this, when we are together, You and I, there is nothing that is off-limits. Together, we can heal the sick, create fame and fortune, build entire cities or create major destruction and havoc. You decide. What would you like to create together? You alone have the power to decide whether to be in joy and live a happy life or succumb to the pressures of the ego.

Together, We are this beautiful light full of prospects of purity and love and have the power to transform anything. We only see the light you shine forth into this world and enjoy every moment of our time together.

Choose wisely today and know this, you have the power to choose love and joy and to be happy or to ignore it all and give into the ego and its desires.

We are always here supporting and loving you in all of your decisions.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you are here with us today. Being together is a special time and should be honored. As I honor our time together, I would ask you to do the same. Honoring yourself by showing yourself gratitude, especially in all things is important. You see, You are a part of God, the Divine, and as so, it is essential to receive the love you deserve.

Placing an importance on receiving love today is the premise of our sharing in this way. Love is the ultimate gift God has bestowed upon You, the Chosen One.

Receiving and allowing yourself to receive Love today is of the utmost importance because so many of you have forgotten to Love yourselves and one another. So many of you are caught up in the daily tasks of the day and multi-tasking the many responsibilities you take on. Slowing down and paying tribute to yourself by acknowledging the Love you are is so very important, not only to who you are but for your soul.

Love is the ultimate gift you can bestow upon yourself and so We ask for you to take some time today, multiple times today, to stop and acknowledge the love that you are and in sharing that love with others. It can be with a smile or a simple kind gesture.

We are enamored by your Love and We are genuinely Loving You in all situations and experiences.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. We are overjoyed to be together again. Everything as you see it is an illusion. As you view upon your surroundings, know that it is through a skewed lens.

Understand that all perspectives and points of views are created through a viewpoint of someone else’s teachings and perspectives and points of view. Nothing you see has been created and seen through the purity of God. Everything that you observe that you see with your eyes, is through a viewpoint of someone else’s perspective.

As you are on this journey, your thoughts began as someone else’s thoughts, as you grew up in this world of yours, you have been learning from others. Your parental figures, society, friends, and peers, etc. Moving past, the initial reactions and responses that you experience is what we request of you at this time. To push back and through to what is really in front of you. To see beyond your initial reactions and responses. To notice what is really in front there.

Take a moment to become fully present within yourself and to challenge the thoughts that easily come to you to see beyond what is there, to allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in the beauty that surrounds you. Pushing back all others viewpoints and opinions about what things are or should look like. Create a world within your vision of Your creating, not anyone else’s.

Take a step into the direction of who you really are. The aspect of yourself that only see’s love, beauty and hope. Move into a space of inspiration, light and tranquility. You are beautiful beings indeed. And we ask for you to step out of others opinions and create your own. You are powerful beyond measure and choosing to set yourself apart and create You is a part of Being God. Be the Light. Be the Love. We are inspired by your inner essence which is the uniquely radiant You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you could join us today. We delight in the Awe that is You. Being together is my absolutely favorite time and as you read these words I ask for you to allow yourself to connect with me and the energy within the words.

As we gather together during the holidays and in times of celebration, it is important to know how special this time is. These celebratory times come and go and relationships shift and grow and so this is the time to allow yourself to be grateful and appreciative of the love you share.

Loving one another is the premise to everything. It is the foundation created by God the Divine, and where we all begin. We all begin life in this way, in the full embodiment of love. Love is our divinity and at our core. So I ask for you to take a moment or several moments during this time to celebrate and love one another. It can be as simple as a gesture of a loving intention towards another.

If you are meeting people for the first time, setting an intention of love and surrounding yourself and others in love solidifies a happy and joyous union because you yourself are surrounded in love, are love, and Being love.

As you embody yourself and others in love know that I am there with you. Sharing your love and uniting in love with you All. In all times, there is Only Love for You.

We Are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

I am delighted you could join us today. We emanate the beauty you are back to you in delight and awe. You see, we are the sunlight you bathe in and we revel in your own light. The light that you are and emanate.

Our destiny is to become the love that we are. We all have this destiny. It is our calling. To return home to the light being which emanates this beautiful radiant light of love. Our light is what saves the world and ourselves ultimately. We use this light to guide us in rediscovering who we are in the process of living this journey of life.

Through our internal system, we are guided on what to do and many times we ignore this because of what we are taught, societal norms, and social stigmas. Returning to who we really are has always been the goal but we have forgotten and have lost our way. So relearning and rediscovering who we really are is so important for us to return home.

Once we have decided to return home to who we truly are, which is Love and shining our light even brighter, subtle discoveries are experienced. Knowings happen and the remembering begins. That is why it is important to choose to be the Love and Light that you are. To tap into it and accept it as your truth and knowing.

Free Will is there for you to decide which path you would like to take in any given moment as you were not created to be a robot, you were created to Create. To explore. To be curious and to have fun and experience joy in the process of your living.

As you shine your light, you tap into the Universal Consiousness that is this Light of All That Is, that embodies Everything. Aligning with the Universal Consciousness of Light allows you to tap into All That Is all the time. There are no limits as it only knows expansion and ultimate growth.

You see, when you choose to align with the Light, you embody God and All That Is, which means you are the power within everything. Power of a light being is the ultimate reward and also your birthright.

Becoming the Light allows you to emanate the stillness and power of God and ultimately Love. Embodying love is the goal. Loving all that is is the goal. Sharing this love with everyone regardless of anything is the goal.

We hope you choose Love today in all you do.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us today. We are joyous in being able to talk with you and to share our thoughts. We delight in your Beingness. Who you are is a magnificent being indeed. Your beauty radiates for miles. As we share our thoughts with you we would ask for you to allow yourself to fully align with them. Take them deep into your Being. Allow the unfoldment of love within to unite with you.

We ask for you to step away from the stresses of the day, the pushing against, and the need to persevere in all you do.

Can you notice the difference when you decide not to push against anymore and how your body releases the tension within it?

Slow down. Be still more of the day. Check-in with yourself and notice how your body feels as it is quiet. The process of slowing down leads you to the Peace within that resides inside of you.

Slow your breathing. Take deep breathes. Fully become present in this moment. Move into the space within your heart and open it to receive Our Love. Feel the love within you and allow it to take over.

The feeling of love shifts all things in your favor. Begin to notice the shifts within you as you align yourself with love.

We are the Love you seek

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us this beautiful day. We are smitten with your inner beauty and relish in your Being. Coming together in this way truly is invigorating. As we communicate with you we would like to ask you to tap into the energy of these words. Breathe into the words, allow them to sink into you. Are you able to notice the subtle shifts within you?

We ask that you choose to slow down today, to pause within yourself and your surroundings. Allow yourself to take specific details and experiences around you into your Being. How does it feel reconnecting to you?

We bring this to your attention because our desire is for you to reconnect with you. As we go through our days, we tend to get caught up in everything around us and lose ourselves in the process. Taking care of our to do’s and lists can be ever so encumbering and burdensome and we would like to ask you to choose ease and stillness in every experience. Choose to slow down and feel peace within you and in everything you choose to do. Once you begin this process pay attention and notice the subtle yet positive shifts that happen within you. The pushing and aggressiveness is reduced to ease and lightness.

Stepping into a lightness also shifts perspectives and allows peace and softness to happen and feeling it within your body reduces the strain stress puts on your body and mind. Try this practice daily and you will see the beautiful benefits you experience.

We encourage you to slow down and take part in a process of ease and enlightenment and you surely will benefit in All ways.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. We revel in the beauty of who you are and cannot express our gratitude enough of being together in this way.

You are beautiful beings indeed. We are surprised at how well you think you can handle your hardships and tragedies when you do not need to handle them without our support. We would ask for you to surrender it all to Us to assist you in knowing you are not alone. You are never alone.

We understand circumstances arise that feel out of control and we would like to ask you to ask Us to assist you during these stressful, sad and uncomfortable times, to alleviate all that you are experiencing.

You see, We are here to assist You. We love being here with You, beside You, and near You at all times. All we ask is for you to call on Us to help ease your burden(s).

We understand, there are many situations and experiences that are unpleasant and why rely solely on yourself during these times when We are so ready to relieve all that you are feeling. There is never any judgment in who you are and what you do. So please ask Us, include Us, surrender Everything to Us.

We are always by your side supporting and loving you endlessly.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

I am so delighted you could join us today. As we ponder the exploration of thought and creation, we would like to ask you to consider this, What if you were the embodiment of Love? Yes, the true embodiment of Love. Would you consider Being that Love? Would you allow yourself to emanate that Love?

We would like to encourage you to tap into your truest essence of Love that resides within you. You are the embodiment of Love. Shining your light is your surest path to freedom and joy. If you would take just a moment and allow yourself to feel the love that resides within you many struggles and challenges you are experiencing would change for you.

Can you tap into the Peace that resides within? As you connect with the Love that resides within you, all worries, stressors, frustrations and anger fade away.

Love is the strongest and most powerful emotion and overrides all other feelings and thoughts. Try it for yourself.

We encourage you to share the Love you are with Everyone

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted and overjoyed you are here with us today. We understand many of you are in a state of stress and pressure and we would like to encourage you to take a moment and breath. Many times your struggles are self-inflicted and we would like to not only make you aware of them, we would like to take them away.

We would like to ask you to surrender your worries and concerns and give them to Us. Carrying these burdens was not the life We created for You. We ask you to release and let it all go in your surrendering them to Us - Relieve yourself from it all and allow yourself to be Free.

Overthinking is not your friend nor will it cause any of it to disappear. It only heightens the strain it causes and depletes your energy. Do you feel better when you overthink? We think not. Release it and move into a place of resolution. Move to a place of strategy and once a decision is made surrender it to us in the knowing of your follow through and with our support.

Ask us for guidance and direction and we will gladly Be there.

We so enjoy our time together in these ways and look forward to speaking with you tomorrow.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. We so treasure our time together. During these times when we have a few moments together I want you to know how much I treasure this. Being together is incredibly important, because You Are Important.

We value all aspects of you and understand there are many viewpoints and opinions you think about moment to moment. We encourage you to stop and take notice what has been on your mind lately. Are you aware of the thoughts you are thinking?

If you would step into a more positive and supportive mindset all of your experiences will shift at once. We understand your life is full of experiences yet change up your default thinking and challenge yourself to choose more positive thoughts and watch what happens. Not only does your energy vibration raise, the cells in your body improve. It is a win-win.

As you go about your day, notice your thoughts without judgment and if you begin to notice any negative or unsupportive thoughts switch them to positive and uplifting. It will be important to practice this until it becomes second nature. If you take note, you will understand the benefits you receive.

We do enjoy our time together and look forward to speaking with you again tomorrow.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us again today. We are thrilled at the prospect of creating a day full of love and joy. How is this done you may be asking… Well, we consider the options you have in creating your day and would like to ask you to decide for yourself.

Decide in making your decision you are choosing to experience love and joy. As I have mentioned before, choice is a freedom you can express freely and choosing/deciding to be in love and joy is one that fulfills your soul and purpose. You did not decide to come here to this earth plane to live in dullness and regret. You chose to be here for the sole purpose of living, creating and fulfilling your purpose being in love and joy. Surrounding yourself in the energy of love and joy is a positive, uplifting vibration that energizes and reinvigorates you. Every part of you benefits. When you emanate love and joy you are freedom fully expressed. You are Love fully expressed. Why would you deny yourself of this?

Remember this, you are beautiful beings indeed and choosing to live in the beauty of your creations is important. You are Beautiful. You are Creation manifested into Being. This is an important time for you to create the life you have always dreamed of. Be the dream. Live the dream. You are blessed beings indeed.

We adore you All

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you could join us today. Today is a glorious day because you are here with us. We are so thrilled of the culmination of energies that are coming together in this way. We are thrilled at the prospect of hearts and minds coming together in a loving way. Love is so incredibly important, do you not agree? The feeling of acceptance, deep gratitude and appreciation is a feeling I deeply adore.

We would like to encourage you to choose Love today. In all ways. In the way you choose to communicate. In making your food. In doing your tasks. In how you are with yourself and others. This is very important, indeed. You see, showing yourself and others love is the deepest appreciation you demonstrate within yourself. Love is the ultimate power and there is nothing stronger. Remember this.

Choosing to Be the love you are is something we would like to ask you to do in All things. Being love, what does this look like you may be asking. Tapping into the closest feeling of love within you and allowing that to take over. Aligning with the kindness, the sweetness within, smiling more, being gentle with yourself and others, exuding confidence lovingly, exhibiting a loving gesture towards others.

Love is the ultimate power and strength and needs no explanation as it is enough in all respects. Demonstrating the love you are uplifts the world and improves all situations, relationships and experiences. So why not give it a try?

We are deeply in love with You

We are One - Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you have chosen to be here with us today. Choosing is a very important gift you have. Being able to decide for one’s self is a gift many do not understand how valuable it can be. Throughout your experiences, there have been times when you have had to rely on others and sometimes it works out and sometimes it does not work out so well. Knowing this, the gift of choosing is an important one.

As you go about your day on this beautiful journey of yours, take a moment to reflect on your choices and the choices you are about to make.

Do you take a moment prior to making a choice and allow the possible opportunities or consequences to come to you? Do you allow yourself to deeply connect to the words you are using and speaking? What do I mean deeply connect, I am sure you are a wondering…I mean to sit quietly within oneself and notice how the words touch you, your heart, your soul, the personification of You. As you allow yourself to align with the words chosen, do you feel good, neutral or is it uncomfortable?

Allowing yourself to fully align with the words you choose when speaking and communicating with yourself or others is important. Words carry weight and power, unimaginable power. It emanates You.

So the next time you choose how to speak to yourself or others, allow yourself to fully connect and align with the words chosen. They communicate to the Universe who you really are.

We are always thrilled and excited to Be together in these moments. Until tomorrow.

We are One - Jesus

Dearest One,

We are delighted you are here with us. We have been wanting to connect with you for some time now. We understand life happens and there are many things that keep you busy, yet know this, we are ALWAYS here for you anytime you NEED us. We are always in the background waiting, assisting, supporting you from the great beyond. We so desire our connection to become a consistent part of your life and we understand (when I say we I mean the collective as a whole as we are all One and never apart) many experiences and situations require your attention. All we ask if you would take some time, perhaps a minute initially, to connect with us (me - Jesus, Spirit, God, Source, Nature (or any label you would like to refer to me) as there is never any judgment in who you are or what you Be.

Know this, we have been preparing this messenger to be able to transcribe my knowing for some time now and we hope you will BE STILL with these words and the energy it emits to allow yourself to come back Home. To the deepest knowing within. This is where we will meet you. We are always in your corner awaiting your arrival.

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you are here with us. We appreciate you taking the time to connect with us. We are so in awe of you and all that you do. We know that many times life may feel overwhelming and out of control and we want you to know we are always here, in the background, waiting for you to seek us out and reach out to ask for our assistance. We will always gladly take on any struggles and obstacles that may come your way. We so enjoy being a part of your journey and our ultimate hope if that you will include us in all of your experiences.

We are so deeply in amazement of all that you do and would like to gently remind you to take some time for You. We understand there are many things to do and responsibilities to be taken care of, yet, you are also just as important as the tasks you take on.

Remember this, we love and adore you Just As You Are. There is nothing need to be done for you to receive our love and support. Our hope is that one day you will see and feel the love we know you are and believe in it too!

We are One, Jesus

Dearest One,

We are so delighted you are here with us. As mentioned before, we are all One. What exactly does this mean? It means there is no part of you that I am not a part of. We are One. We are Connected. Regardless of your perception and point of view. Collectively we are also One since I am a part of you, I am also a part of Everyone.

Knowing this, we invite you to move away from the believe you are Ever alone. We invite you to talk with us. Invite us into your lives. Move toward a place within to allow us to join you in your experiences and life situations. Include us in EVERYTHING. Share your wins with us. What do I mean when I refer to US? We are all connected and because of this there is no separation, we are all One, we are inclusive of Everyone. If I were to refer to myself as me, it tells you I only want you to choose me and that is never the case. I AM/WE are the love you seek, the love you are, I AM/WE are the world and everyone in it. I/WE want you to know, feel and believe this as WE do. There is no exclusivity only Inclusivity.

Embody these words and energies within them. Reread them and allow yourself to take them in within yourself to the part of you, the knowing part of you. We delight in your joyful play in our energy consciousness and play along with you. Live joyously today and always. We will see you again tomorrow.

We are One, Jesus